Personal development program for large teams

Win As Much As You Can

Each team must strive to win as much as possible. This exercise explores social dilemmas and situations where you must choose between supporting the individual and the benefits of the group. 

Spaghetti Challenge

To win this competition, you need teamwork, imagination, and innovation. The goal is to build the tallest spaghetti tower in 18 minutes, which must support an apple on top. 

The Fable

Each team receives a fable. Within a given time, team members must rewrite it, using business-related words from their industry. The rhyme must be preserved, but the action should be changed, to reflect the company's activities.


This game is based on 32 illustrated cards arranged sequentially. Each participant studies their own picture and describes it in detail. The challenge is for the group to arrange the images in the correct order without showing their pictures to each other. 

Ready to discover what kind of team you are and how you communicate? 

DURATION 3 hours

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS min. 10 - max. 200